The Kilometer Club: How it works:

Every day that a student participates in a Kilometer Club Run, they will receive a Kilometer Club point. The goal is for the student to amass as many points as possible during the school year. Student points are tracked tallied and displayed on a Kilometer Club Board. As students reach certain milestones (50K, 75K, 100K, 150K, 200K) they are rewarded with bracelets of different colours. The ultimate award is for completing 250K in the year; this results in the awarding of a Kilometer Club Cap. Recognition and/or awarding for these milestones are made during regular school assemblies.

How the Kilometer Club is organized:

1. Using the schools grounds available, 5 or more routes are devised that require the students to run 1.5 Kilometer each day. Each is given a name. These routes provide variety and at least one different route for each day of the school week. A route or activity should be in place that can be used in the event of poor weather, a gym can be used or the corridors or under covered area, or combination of all 3. Runs are set up at the same time and same place each day. At the end of each run the Kilometer Club Tally Sheet is dated. The goal is for each student to amass as many points as possible during the year. Each student’s points are tracked on a notice board. As students reach milestones (50, 75, 100, 150 and 200 Km) they are awarded a different coloured ribbon. The ultimate prize is a cap for 250 Kilometers. Recognition and awarding of ribbons is made at regular times during the year.

What the Vancouver Thunderbirds will provide:

A club volunteer will liase with each school to ensure that problems associated with the setting up of such a program can be avoided, so that the program runs smoothly, safely and effectively. They will provide support and advice throughout the year on how to maintain and improve the program. Permission letters will be provided along with all information required to run the program.

Contact Derrick Johnston at:



This program is made possible through funding supplied by